1.4GW! Cloud Live Bags Solar Cell Order from DAS Solar

PVTIME – On 14 May 2024, Cloud Live Technology Group Co.,Ltd. (Cloud Live, 002306.SZ), a China-based company mainly engaged in the promotion and operation of internet games and catering group meal business, announced its new agreement with DAS Solar, a cutting-edge company mainly engaged in the R&D, manufacturing and sales of high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells and modules, for the sale and supply of solar cells with a total volume of 1,408MW.

Under the terms of the agreement, Cloud Live and its subsidiaries will supply 704MW of cells to DAS Solar by 30 August 2024, 400MW in September, 200MW in October and 104MW in November 2024.

In addition, Cloud Live recently released its annual report, which showed that in 2023, it achieved total revenue of 191 million yuan, an increase of 46.11% year on year, and net loss attributable to parent company of 58.970 million yuan, more than net loss of 21.764 million yuan in 2022. For the period under review, basic earnings per share was -0.072 yuan.

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