103.356 Billion Yuan! Tongwei Bags 382,800 MT of Polysilicon Products Order From Jinko

PVTIME – Jinko Solar announced on September 9 that it and its subsidiaries (Sichuan Jinko and Qinghai Jinko) had signed a Polysilicon Purchase and Sale Framework Agreement with subsidiaries of Tongwei Co., Ltd. (Sichuan Yongxiang, Inner Mongolia Tongwei, Yunnan Tongwei and other two subsidiaries).

According to the announcement, Jinko Solar and its subsidiaries plan to purchase approximately 382,800 MT of polysilicon materials from the subsidiaries of Tongwei from September 2022 to December 2026.

It is estimated that the total value of the contract is about 203.356 billion yuan (tax excluded) according to the latest average transaction price of monocrystal dense materials in China announced by the Silicon Industry Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association on August 31, 2022. Yet the actual purchase price shall be negotiated on a monthly basis, subject to the monthly Contract Execution Confirmation Form.
