10GW Si Crystal Pulling + 5GW Solar Cell! PV Manufacturing Base to Be Established in Inner Mongolia Region of China

PVTIME – On June 18 2024, a large-scale silicon processing and solar cell production project has been approved by Tianjin Binhai Energy & Development Co.,Ltd.(Binhai Energy, 000695.SZ), a Chinese company mainly engaged in packaging printing and publication printing.

The project, which will be located in the Inner Mongolia region of China, is expected to produce 10GW of silicon crystalline material and 5GW of solar cells per year, with a total investment of 3.983 billion yuan.

To promote these two parts of the project, Binhai Energy announced that it would increase the capital of two subsidiaries, with 290 million yuan for the company in charge of the 10GW silicon crystal pulling and 280.4 million yuan for the joint venture in charge of the 5GW solar cell production. However, the capital increase is still subject to approval by the general meeting of shareholders.

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