PVTIME – RoboTechnik Intelligent Technology Co., LTD.(300757.SZ), a company engaged in the manufacture, design, development and production of high-tech automation equipment and manufacturing systems, disclosed on 18 February 2023 that it had reached agreements with the subsidiaries of JinkoSolar Group with a cumulative amount of approximately RMB122 million (including tax) within 12 consecutive months.

The subsidiaries of JinkoSolar involved in these ordinary operating contracts are Jinko Solar Anhui, Jinko Solar Chuxiong, Jinko Solar Haining, JinkoSolar Shangrao, Jiangsu Jinko Solar, Jinkosolar Technology Sdn Bhd, Jinkosolar Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
And the total value of these contracts represents approximately 21.73% of RoboTechnik’s operating revenue for January to September 2022.