1GW! Solar Power Plant Launched in Xinjiang, China

PVTIME – Recently, a large-scale PV solar power plant was commissioned by Shanghai Electric Power Co. (Shanghai Power, 600021.SH), a subsidiary of SPIC, in Xinjiang, China.

The new solar plant, with an installed capacity of 1GW and an investment of 2.7 billion yuan (approx. US$373.41 million), is part of a low carbon park. It is expected to be connected to the grid in April 2025 and generate 1.5TWh of clean electricity per year for the region.

The new plant is surrounded by deserts that are rich in sunlight. The cumulative installed capacity of photovoltaic power in the region has reached 710MW, with an annual power generation of about 920GWh, and the photovoltaic power generation projects under construction have reached 5.1GW, with an expected annual power generation capacity of about 7.65TWh upon completion.

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