PVTIME – A monocrystalline silicon rod manufacturing base was started by Yunnan Yuze New Energy Co., Ltd. (Unigrace), a Chinese manufacturer of n-type wafers, in Yunnan Province of China.

The project commenced on 18 April 2023 with an investment of approximately 5 billion yuan. The first phase was completed in November 2023, with the second phase following in June 2024.
Securing the supply chain is a crucial objective for Unigrace, given that the company’s current production capacity for wafers stands at 75GW per annum. Unigrace is under the control of the Shanghai Xinronghe Industrial Group Co., Ltd. The company’s shareholders include the National Green Development Fund Co., Ltd., CITIC Goldstone Fund Management Co., Ltd., SDIC Chuanghe Fund Management Co., Ltd., CITIC Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Chuxiong State-Owned Capital Investment Management Co., Ltd., and the Gansu Provincial State-Owned Asset Investment Group Co., Ltd., among others. The company is headquartered in Chuxiong, Yunnan, and has been engaged in the production and development of n-type and p-type silicon wafers since its establishment in May 2019, with an initial registered capital of 1.5634 billion yuan.

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