25.28%! Tongwei Sets a New PCE Record for Its TNC Module

PVTIME – On 20 March, Tongwei Solar made an exciting announcement. Its R&D team had achieved a series of remarkable technological breakthroughs, and the results had been verified by TÜV, the globally recognised and authoritative certification institution.

The company’s standard size 2382*1134mm TNC-G12R module set a new record for Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE) of 25.28%. The front side power of this module reached 682.8 watts, which is approximately 60 watts more than the current mainstream, mass-produced solar modules of the same type. In addition, the TNC-G12 module with a standard size of 2384*1303mm achieved a PCE of 25.06% and a power output of 778.5 watts. This is also approximately 60 watts higher than the output of its mass-produced, same-type mainstream counterparts. These achievements have once again rewritten the module efficiency and power records for two of the leading TOPCon module types.

Tongwei’s R&D wizards employed advanced technologies such as tube type PECVD poly deposition, Poly Tech, EPT passivation and stencil printing. By carefully fine-tuning and optimising the optical and electrical properties of the modules, and integrating the module’s high-throughput close packing technology, they were able to increase the power of the TNC-G12R 66 module by over 19.3 watts and its efficiency by 0.72%. For the TNC-G12 66 module, the power output was increased by 15.1 watts and the conversion efficiency was improved by 0.48%.

Tongwei has long been committed to the innovation and development of TOPCon products. It spearheaded the development of the industry’s first G12 PECVD polycell pilot line technology and was the first to promote large-scale PECVD technology in the industry. This not only filled critical gaps in the industry, but also led to innovative breakthroughs that established Tongwei’s leadership in TOPCon cell manufacturing technology.
