PVTIME – Chint (Astronergy) has won Atlas Renewable Energy’s bid to supply 454MW of ASTRO N TOPCon modules for the Vista Alegre PV plant project in Brazil. Atlas Renewable Energy is one of Astronergy’s key business partners in South America. The Vista Alegre project, with an installed capacity of 902MW, is the tenth large-scale power plant project that Astronergy has worked on with Atlas.

Brazil is blessed with an average annual sunshine duration of over 3,000 hours, as 80% of its territory is located in the tropics, making its hot climate perfectly suited to the ASTRO N series PV modules.
Astronergy’s ASTRO N series modules combine large n-type silicon wafers, highly reliable packaging, super-loss-free laser cutting, multiple main grids and half-sheet design, and other technologies to achieve module efficiencies of more than 22%. In addition to higher efficiency and power, ASTRO N offers a lower temperature coefficient. Currently, the industry’s conventional PERC modules have a temperature coefficient of -0.35%, while ASTRO N has a temperature degradation of only -0.29%. This means that for each degree of temperature increase, ASTRO N loses 0.06% less power than conventional PERC modules, resulting in greater power generation benefits in high temperature environments.
In addition, the Vista Alegre PV project is located in Minas Gerais, one of the most urban and energy-consuming states in southeastern Brazil. It is the largest single n-type TOPCon order for Astronergy to date, after the 355MW Walla Walla PV plant project in Australia, and will be Astronergy’s largest TOPCon project in Brazil.