Defying uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, the solar distribution team has continued to bring a low carbon future to customers across the region. The team has worked hard to bring their global expertise, technology and solutions to local markets.
In the last 18 months, the BayWa r.e. Solar Distribution team has begun operating across the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, and even more remote regions within Malaysia and Indonesia.
Since entering the region, BayWa r.e. has made more than 3,000 deliveries to various commercial & industrial and residential customers – helping thousands of households and businesses to gain access to clean, renewable energy.
Junrhey Castro, Managing Director at BayWa r.e. Solar Systems Corporation, said: “Our five-year presence in the region brings unique in-depth understanding of Southeast Asian customer requirements, which in turn has made all the difference.
“Our strategy focuses on building local market presence to develop trust and local customer support. We could not have achieved this great milestone just by selling opportunistically. We are here for the long haul, helping our customers grow and providing all the support and training to enable renewable energy growth in this region.”
The solar distribution services have grown significantly by providing training and innovative distribution models to better support their installer network and local EPC – in turn helping them to grow their business and better serve their customers.
BayWa r.e.’s Solar Distribution team’s latest move has been to help support installers in Vietnam. With a full legal setup and a fully operational local warehouse, the stage is set for an expansive strategy where ASEAN nations play a central role.
This is echoed by APAC Director, Daniel Gaefke, who said: “Southeast Asia is a big part of our long-term thinking as a company. Policymakers here are taking climate change seriously, that opens the right doors for industry to collaborate with academia and governments.
“These are hugely productive partnerships with world-changing potential, we’re proud to be helping the region and the communities within it to meet their ambitious renewables targets.”
In addition to supporting the solar distribution market in Southeast Asia, BayWa r.e. has also been busy developing new projects for commercial and industrial customers and utility scale renewable assets. In the past five years, it has successfully brought online 500 MW of renewable energy in Asia Pacific.