500 Million Yuan! Quartz Sand Manufacturing for Photovoltaic Production to Be Launched

PVTIME – A signing ceremony was recently held between Hunan Dongting Resources Holding Group and Jiangsu Fujinyan Construction Engineering Co. for the construction of a quartz sand production plant for photovoltaic products in Xiangyin County, Hunan Province, China.

The project will include four production lines and will be operational in December 2024, with a total investment of 500 million yuan.

After reaching full production of 500,000MT of silica sand per year, the project will generate annual operating income of approximately 1.5 billion yuan, annual net profit of approximately 200 million yuan and annual tax of approximately 200 million yuan.

Quartz sand is used in photovoltaics, including photovoltaic glass and crucibles, especially crucibles with high-purity quartz sand. In 2023, the price of quartz sand doubled due to various factors, and many Chinese enterprises announced their plan to engage in the production of high-purity quartz sand.

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