PVTIME – On January 10, MingYang Smart Energy Group the wind power giant delightedly announced that both its PI of high efficiency HJT solar cell project and HJT module project were reached production, promoting MingYang to be the first renewable products manufacturer with the highest production capacity of high efficiency HJT solar cell and module in China.

The PI of high efficiency HJT solar cell project located in Jiangsu Province of China with a production capacity of 5GW cells, while the 2GW HJT module project is based in Guangdong Province. The conversion efficiency of HJT module is expected to reach 25% with the i-in-p PECVD processing and MES intelligent system in Mingyang’s leading-edge workshop.

What is more, the Photovoltaic Research Institute of MingYang will start construction in Guangdong Province recently to promote its goal of 10GW HJT production. MingYang will continue create value for customer via renewable energy projects including wind, solar and hydrogen power ones, to make clean energy benefit for human society as well as fulfilling the Dual-Carbon Goals in China.