PVTIME – Trina Solar, a leading global provider of integrated PV and smart energy total solutions, disclosed on 9 February 2023 that it intends to issue convertible bonds of up to approximately RMB 8.865 billion to unspecified targets for the investment of 35GW silicon production project in Xining City of Qinghai Province, China.

According to the announcement, the total investment of the project is estimated at RMB 8,577,983,100, of which RMB 6.28 billion will be from the funds raised this time and the remaining funds will to be from Trina’s own sources or self-financing.
This Czochralski silicon processing project is expected to achieve a production capacity of 35GW of n-type monocrystalline silicon ingots once it is operational within 24 months, including 20GW in Phase I and 15GW in Phase II.
In addition, Trina Solar recently signed a multi-year framework agreement with global renewable energy company Low Carbon Ltd. The framework agreement spans three years and includes the supply of a minimum of 1GW of Trina Solar PV modules for multiple Low Carbon projects across Europe. This agreement enables Trina and Low Carbon to further accelerate the deployment of renewable energy at scale and will further strengthen Trina Solar’s leading position in the clean energy landscape in the region.