172 Million Yuan! Yuneng Holdings to Launch Rooftop PV Projects in Henan Province of China

PVTIME – Henan Yuneng Holdings Co., Ltd. (001896.SZ), a China-based company mainly engaged in the thermal power production businesses, released an announcement on January 16 that Nanyang Tianyi Power Generation Co.,Ltd., a subsidiary of Yunneng Holding, plans to invest in rooftop solar power generation project in Nanyang City, Henan Province of China, via a new branch.

According to the announcement, the project is designed with installed capacity of 11.43MWp, with a total investment of 42,756,800 yuan.

Meanwhile, Henan Yuneng New Energy, another subsidiary of the company, intends to launch 30.007MWp solar power project on the rooftop of schools in Shangqiu City of Henan Province, with a total investment of 129 million yuan.

The total installed capacity of the two projects is estimated to be 41.437MWp, and the total investment will be 172 million yuan.
