21.95%! SolaEon Sets Efficiency Record on Monolithic Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells for MPPT

PVTIME – SolaEon Technology Co., Ltd.(SolaEon), a leading Chinese manufacturer of new generation solar cells, has recently achieved a record high conversion efficiency of 21.95% on 300mm x 400mm monolithic perovskite tandem solar cells for MPPT.

The new breakthrough was achieved through in-depth research and innovation in key technologies, including ion coupling technology of large area perovskite thin film and ion charge co-transport technology of charge transport layer.

SolaEon is confident about the future of monolithic perovskite tandem solar cells and has acquired a large amount of processing technology. It plans to expand its perovskite cell production line with a capacity of 150MW, which will be operational in the first half of 2025, to promote the mass production and commercialisation of monolithic full perovskite tandem solar cells in the industry. Upon completion, the module area will increase significantly and the conversion efficiency is expected to exceed 21.5%.

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