PVTIME – The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru approved the concession today in two resolutions that have already been made public. The estimated investment will be almost 200 million dollars.

In this way, our company has obtained the green light to develop two solar power plant projects in Arequipa: Pichu Pichu 60 MW and Chachani 100 MW, whose combined investments would reach $200 million.
This was confirmed in two resolutions published today, February 12, by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) in the official newspaper La República.
This is the “CSF Continua Pichu 60 MW” Solar Power Plant project, with an installed capacity of 60 MW, located in the district of La Joya, province and department of Arequipa. More info
While the second one called Central Solar “CSF Continua Chachani 100 MW”, will have an installed power of 100 MW, also located in the district of La Joya, in Arequipa.