Cutlass Solar Achieves Full Commercial Operations

Project is first completed in Advanced Power’s renewables pipeline

PVTIME – Advanced Power announced today that its Cutlass Solar project has achieved full commercial operations and continues to supply reliable, renewable power to the Greater Houston area.

Advanced Power’s Cutlass Solar project, southwest of Houston in Fort Bend County, Texas.

The completed project is a 140-Megawatt (MW) direct current, photovoltaic solar generating facility that began delivering power into the ERCOT system in July 2022. Today’s announcement completes the transition from construction and testing to full commercial operations. Advanced Power will continue as the facility’s asset manager and SOLV Energy is its operator.

Advanced Power and its co-investors, ENEOS Corporation and Fuyo General Lease Co., Ltd. own the facility.

“Cutlass Solar exemplifies Advanced Power’s continuing growth as a global developer, manager, and owner of modern power infrastructure. We are committed to bringing reliable power to growing areas that need it, such as Greater Houston,” said Collin Brown, Advanced Power’s vice president of development based in Houston. “We are equally pleased to be contributing to the community through tax revenues to support the county and local schools.”

“This is a state-of-the-art renewable electric generating facility that will benefit the region with sustainable energy for years to come,” said John Coleman, the project’s director of construction, who is also Houston-based. “Many people and organizations from Greater Houston were instrumental in building this vital new power resource which is benefiting ERCOT’s energy portfolio and the people of Texas who rely upon it. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished together.”

Bechtel, a global leader in the design and execution of complex power projects for more than 60 years, was responsible for the engineering, procurement and construction of the facility.More About Cutlass Solar and Advanced Power’s renewables pipeline

Cutlass Solar sits on a 700-acre site located approximately 40 miles southwest of Houston in Fort Bend County, Texas. It employs bifacial solar panels provided by JA Solar and technology that includes a ground-mounted single-axis tracking system.

Cutlass Solar is Advanced Power’s first operational project in a robust 8-Gigawatt (GW) renewable and low-carbon development pipeline across the United States. Additional projects in the ERCOT pipeline include:

  • Talitha Energy – 189 MW direct current (dc) with the optionality to add battery storage
  • Oriana Solar – 232 MWdc with the optionality to add battery storage
  • Eldora Energy – 238 MWdc with the optionality to add battery storage
  • Elio Energy – 190 MWdc with the optionality to add battery storage
  • Alina Energy – 245 MWdc with the optionality to add battery storage

For more information about Advanced Power’s completed projects and those in active development, visit
