PVTIME – The largest European HJT solar cell and module manufacturer Hevel Group started construction of several off-grid solar PV plants in Russia’s Far East. Three stand alone solar power systems with capacity of 1,3 MW will supply electricity to rural villages. Hybrid diesel-solar plants paired with battery storage are designed to reduce consumption of diesel fuel by up to 500 tonnes in the first year after commissioning.

Hevel also plans to complete construction works on another 2.5 MW off-grid solar PV project in Siberian Krasnoyarsk region till the end of 2020. The solar power plant, combined with three diesel power stations and a 450 kWh storage system will become the largest off-grid PV project in Russia.
Earlier this year in the southern Ural region Hevel commissioned 10 MW solar plant backed by an 8 MWh battery storage system. The solar-plus-storage facility operates as stand-alone PV system connected to the grid. The hybrid solar plant is designed to improve the larger grid’s resilience and switches to stand-alone mode in an emergency power outage.