Huawei Signs Cooperation Agreement With Chint

PVTIME – On January 12, Chint Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Chint”) and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Huawei”) formally signed a cooperation agreement in Hangzhou, China. The two parties will focus on industrial digitalization, networking, intelligent technological innovation, and jointly promote the development of energy, power, and intelligent manufacturing businesses.

With the transition from energy to integrated energy and cities moving towards becoming smart cities, Huawei and Chint have engaged in cross border collaboration to jointly explore more possibilities in the digital energy industry. The two parties have already laid a solid foundation for cooperation through past collaborations. Presently, through the integration of advantageous market resources, patent authorization, and other areas, the two parties have already achieved a considerable number of innovative successes in the fields of data center development, energy development, power distribution solutions, and comprehensive energy efficiency both at home and abroad.

Huawei Vice President, and Digital Energy Divison President, Zhou Taoyun (Source: Huawei)

Zhou Taoyuan, Huawei Vice President, and Digital Energy Divison President, said, “He was very impressed by what he saw at Chint during his visit. The pace of intelligent and digital transformation of Chint’s various industrial modules such as smart new energy, smart city, and smart manufacturing is in line with the application of Huawei’s ICT technology and digital technology. For more than 30 years, Huawei has been committed to providing information and communication technologies, products and solutions, and have served more than 3 billion people around the world. It has been a practitioner and builder of digital infrastructure and providing end-to-end solutions for the digital transformation of the energy industry. Huawei is willing to join hands with Chint to seize the opportunity of energy transformation and build a digital innovation service support system for green energy production, operation, and energy efficiency management.”

Chint Chairman, Nan Cunhui (Source: Huawei)

Nan Cunhui, Chint Chairman, said, “The optimization of the energy structure is an inevitable trend, and the various digital energy solutions provided by Huawei are at an industry-leading level. The comprehensive energy service capabilities that Chint is working hard to build will serve as a complementary, coordinated, and optimized multi-system consumption model for the promotion of energy transformation, and will help realize the goal of “carbon neutrality” ahead of schedule. Chint is looking forward to developing a strong alliance with Huawei to create a new ecological layout of comprehensive energy services.”

In the future, the two parties will rely on Huawei’s innovative capabilities and technological advantages in the fields of communications networks, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things to empower Chint’s power equipment, smart parks, smart new energy, and integrated energy businesses, and jointly create efficient advanced construction programs and benchmarking projects that support the advanced manufacturing and digital transformation.

The ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 is leading China into a new era of the energy revolution. Huawei and Chint will take this opportunity to combine innovative and advantageous resources, promote the effective implementation of digital transformation in the energy industry, and build a leading benchmark.
