PVTIME – JA Solar (SZE: 002459) announced that it is hosting “Smart Empowerment – 2020 PV Technology Conference” online on May 18, 2020 at 2 pm (UTC+8) to invite global industry partners to discuss the development of future photovoltaic technologies.

In 2020, as a multitude of opportunities and challenges arising in global PV market due to continuously emerging new technologies, there comes higher opportunity cost of choice together with technological breakthroughs and product upgrades.
Hosting the webinar, JA Solar aims to offer a leading platform that enables global partners to address the challenges and discover the future opportunities for the development of PV products, where they can jointly bring forth solutions to break through the current dilemma facing the industry. The webinar features leading industry experts including Professor Martin Green, the father of photovoltaics and Wang Bohua, Secretary-General of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association as well as JA Solar’s high-efficiency solar solutions and the product development roadmap for the global market.