PVTIME – Although the overall export dropped notably at the beginning of this year, it has been a successful start for some of the top players such as JinkoSolar. As the world’s largest solar module manufacturer for four years in a row, JinkoSolar continued to be strong and maintained the top spot for January and February.

Despite ongoing challenge of adverse effects of coronavirus on not just supply chain, but the uncertainty of global demand, JinkoSolar still managed to have minimal change in the first two months. The overall products lineup was appealing for a wider range of customers in both utility and distribution markets. The flagship Cheetah continued to drive crucial volume in numerous markets, while the Swan thrived at the bifacial market. Recent aspiration of the latest Tiger 475Wp series, which is expected to be a big catalyst this year, will give this solar giant a push in 2020.
Many manufacturers offered their widest product portfolio ever in hopes of capturing a greater market share, but Jinkosolar’s top position seems hard to be dethroned. Meanwhile, brands outside the top 5 struggled to maintain momentum as brands in the same way Jinkosolar maintained its stronghold on the high end and value brands, and as Sunrise offered incredible competition at the low end. However, things will continue to look challenging for the whole industry given that the spread of virus is still not yet resolved outside China and the uncertainty on demand raised accordingly.