LDK Solar Co., Ltd. (NYSE: LDK), a leading vertically integrated manufacturer of photovoltaic products, today announced the results of its Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on September 17, 2012 at the Company’s office in Hong Kong.
At this year’s AGM, shareholders approved all of the resolutions proposed in the AGM notice, including the adoption of the 2011 annual report, and the re-election of class II directors, Tong Xingxue (President and COO) and Xiang Bing (independent director). The total number of members of the board of directors of the Company remains at six. KPMG was reappointed as the Company’s outside auditors for the fiscal year 2012.
There were an aggregate of 73,682,324 shares represented in person or by proxy throughout the duration of the AGM, including shares underlying American depositary shares. The adoption of the 2011 annual report was approved by 55,820,035 shares; the re-election of Tong Xingxue by 55,560,114 shares; the re-election of Xiang Bing by 55,505,573 shares; and the re-appointment of KPMG by 55,921,453 shares.