PVTIME – Recently, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Colombia Palmyra #3 photovoltaic project was held at the construction base in Palmyra City, Cauca Valley, western Colombia.

“The Palmyra#3 photovoltaic power station project is an important symbol of Colombia’s green energy transformation,” Quintana Cristian, project manager of Celsia said. “This project is the fist photovoltaic project that Celsia company cooperated with a Chinese company, and further communication and cooperation are expected to fulfill the project contract jointly.” Cristian added.
This project, which with a planned power generation capacity of 9.9MW, is the first solar EPC project that China Power Construction won in Colombia, and the design, supply, construction, installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance of the photovoltaic power station are included in the services. PowerChina stated that Celsia, as the largest private power generator in Colombia, is one of the most important customers of PowerChina. PowerChina will provide high quality and efficient services as scheduled. The Palmyra#3 photovoltaic project will be a milestone in renewable energy cooperation between the two sides as well as a crucial step to contribute to the global carbon neutral goal.