PVTIME – JSolar Inc, a China-based company that specialises in intelligent solar tracking systems and has uniquely developed a flexible technology to adapt to different terrains, has recently announced that it has commenced IPO registration and will be listed on the stock exchange very soon.

JSolar is a fast-growing solar company headquartered in China, with offices in Silicon Valley (USA), Osaka (Japan), Bangkok (Thailand) and several provinces in China. Winning this bid further strengthens JSolar’s leading position as a tracker supplier in China.
JSolar specialises in solar tracking systems, and its main products include:1, Long span biserial horizontal tracker, biserial horizontal tracker and biserial tilted horizontal tracker, which can be applied to mountain land, agriculture and fishing ponds. 2, Linked tilted tracker, azimuth tracker and dual axis tracker. It also has the following fixed systems: 1, Fixed adjustable mounting system. 2, Fixed mounting system and colour tile roof mounting system.

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