PVTIME – Energy demand in Gujarat, India is growing rapidly. To cover it, Gujarat government launched a solar power project for farmers-Suryashakti Kisan Yojana (SKY) (KUSUM YOJANA), enabling them to generate electricity for captive consumption and sell surplus power to grid for extra income.

“In 2019, SOFARSOLAR have supplied its technology and more than 150MW solar inverters ranging from 4.4-70kW to numerous projects in the area. It supported the development of Gujarat PV market” said, Mr. Brijesh Prajapati Regional Manager.
These projects in Gujarat demand very high quality and flexible adaptability for various grid situation, as well as outstanding efficiency in extreme weather condition. Now all inverters of SOFARSOLAR are working in good condition while generating more energy. SOFARSOLAR is recognized and proved leading in Gujarat’s PV market.
SOFARSOLAR provided inverters with compact design and power boost function for above-mentioned farmer project. The 50-70KW series have super large 4-inch LCD, built-in DRM port and logic, sound and light alarm function and I-V curve scanning function. The start-up voltage is 200V, much lower than 600V of other products, enabling inverter to start up earlier and generate more power in longer working time.

“SOFARSOLAR technology has been proven to be very efficient and reliable in those projects which have been carried out so far. For SOFARSOLAR, highly qualified service is equally important.” said , Mr. Brijesh Prajapati.