Samil Power announces SolarLake 15000TL awards Grade A tested by Photon Lab, exceeding 97% mark for high irradiation efficiency and 96.7% for medium irradiation efficiency. As a leading provider of PV solutions of grid-tied inverters, Samil Power persuasively demonstrates their products with top efficiency, exceptional quality, advanced technical specifications—all features enable Samil Power to stand out from the crowd.
With Grade A test result by Photon lab,SR4K4TLA1 is one of SolarRiver series which designed for residential PV solution. This time, however, it is SolarLake 15000TL, one of SolarLake series for commercial project solutions—that acquires such award. ‘Samil Power’s SolarLake 15000TL performs well in PHOTON lab’s test (Photon June 2012, pp.136)’.
Confronted with a variety of technological thresholds, inverters manufactured from Asia can hardly compete with that from Europe. Consequently, restricted by technical bars, Asian inverters can barely sprawl across European market. Surprisingly, inverters from Samil Power are capable of ‘eliminating weaknesses’. For instance, despite of the impressive high efficiency, the transformerless SolarLake 15000TL provides increased life expectancy of the unit, flawless trackers, incredibly wide input voltage and temperature range, etc.